Healthy Eating Week

Healthy Eating Week

British Nutrition Foundation’s Healthy Eating Week

Last week was the British Nutrition Foundation (BNF)’s annual healthy eating week. Each day came with a different challenge to help motivate healthy behaviours. Every challenge was associated with an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Here’s what they were:

Monday: Eat Breakfast

The most important meal of the day! A good breakfast will fuel you through the morning. A good breakfast should contain a wholegrain carbohydrate source, such as toast or cereal, with a drink and fruit.

Tuesday: Get Your 5-a-Day

Everybody knows that we should consume 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day but not everyone does it. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals which are essential for numerous functions and prevent a number of illnesses including heart disease and stroke. They are also a source of fibre to keep your digestive system health. See previous blog for tips on how to get your 5-a-day.

Wednesday: Stay Hydrated

Nearly two thirds of our body is made up of water so it’s crucial to stay hydrated in order for it to function properly. We are advised to drink 6-8 glasses a day but will require more when we are more active or the weather is warmer.

Thursday: Get Active

Being active is all about moving more and sitting less. Whether that be by taking up a sport or simply walking to the shops instead of driving or getting the bus. Being active keeps our heart, bones and muscles healthy.

Friday: Try Something New

The final challenge was to try something new which could fit in with any of the previous challenges; whether you try a new activity, food or drink, or even decide to try new recipes or find out more about where food comes from.
Lewisham schools got involved with healthy living week by taking part in the challenges, with posters displayed for motivation. Many had special assemblies and fun activities, like St Joseph’s RC Primary who made their own vegetable soup!
Just because healthy eating week is over, it doesn’t mean we stop these healthy behaviours. Let’s continue to live healthy lifestyles set by these five challenges.

For more information, visit the BNF’s website:

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By Nutritionist Karis Betts MSc BSc